Thursday, April 14, 2011


We used the bolt-action rifle. It could fire up to 15 rounds a minute and could soot people up to 1,400 feet away. This rifle became crucial to the war. it was hard to fight with the machine gun because it weighed alot and we constantly had to re-load it. My favorite weapon during the was would have to be the grenade. the grenade did more damage to the emeny then the gun could in my opinion. It took so long to reload the gun allowing the enemy to move in, but the grenade was so quick and effective.
The lugar pistol was yet another weapon involved in ww1. It was generally given to the officers and not us the soldiers. Although this guns name wasnt originally called a "lugar", the name came along when George Lugar improved the gun and his name stuck. This pistol was very accurate for its time era.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Political Cartoon

This world war 1 political cartoon shows a scene involving trench warfare. We began trench warfare after the other side invented the machine gun. The only way to get close to the enemy was to build trenches and move in close enought to attack.

Trench Warfare

Life in the trenches was unbearable. We suffered body lice that cause red itchy marks all over our bodies. The stench produced by the lice and rodents was beyond your imagination. Our body lice was treated in different ways, one way was to take a lit candle and aim the flame twords where they were thickest to burn them away. They sounded like little crackels. The little time of relief from the biting was soothing to my red patched skin.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Horrors

This man had extensive burns on his face.
This man didnt survive his injuries.
During world war 1 there was an abundance of facial injuries. many people died from these severe injuries. The gillies expected 200 casualties but they had 2,000. They then set up a real hospital that they were in need of.